Pastor Carl Gallups ... a prominent Christian supporter of Republican nominee Donald Trump [says] "Hillary Clinton would replace Justice Scalia with another liberal, perhaps even ultra-liberal justice... This devastating maneuver would give the progressives a 5-4 majority on the Supreme Court. And that doesn't count the times that Justice Kennedy might vote with the liberals (as we have seen him do on several occasions), giving them a 6-3 majority decision".
"And don't forget: Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is 83. She has had numerous and serious health problems, including pancreatic and colon cancer, and heart problems. Justice Breyer is 78. Justice Kennedy is 80".
Gallups said the ironic result of Christians sitting out of the election because of "conscience" [referencing what Ted Cruz said at the GOP Convention] could be the end of America itself.
"It is entirely within the realm of possibilities that the next president could nominate up to four justices to the Supreme Court in the next few years", Gallups warned. "If that president happens to be Hillary Clinton, because millions of Christians couldn't vote against their conscience, she would seal a far-left activist Supreme Court for many decades to come. And don't forget, she will be appointing numerous lower federal court justices on top of that! America as we have known it would be toast. Plain and simple. And the end would come like a flood". (Pastor: Can you live with knowing you allowed a President Hillary? World Net Daily 8/6/2016).
Lektrikwire: The Church is not tax exempt -- it's tax-immune. The government has no more right to impose taxes on the Church than it does to impose them on Canada. It has no jurisdiction. That is the true essence of the separation of church and state.
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