Thursday, August 8, 2019

d0n0ld tRump Is The Verba Non Acta Predisent

"Acta Non Verba" might be White Supremacist Code For "We Know Trump Lies And Like That About Him". The bl0gger Minus FJ says it very frequently. In regards to d0n0ld tRump. Apparently he thinks d0n0ld lives lies by this credo.

In regards to gun control, d0tard (in his media press conference following the two shootings in El Passo and Toledo) said "we vow to act with urgent resolve". This vow is bullshit. There have been numerous mass killings in the past and republicans never act with "urgent resolve". tRump's vow is completely meaningless.

This is something Minus knows. Explaining why he wrote "Acta non Verba, baby!" in reaction to a comment of mine in which I wrote that tRump saying "we must reject White Supremacy" was disingenuous. Minus knows tRump lies and that he will NOT reject White Supremacy. Just like he isn't going to do sh!t in regards to gun control.

Not only are these lies cool with Minus, they (the lies) are one of the BIG reasons Minus loves tRump so much. Dotard says what he must and, if fools believe him, that's great. And it doesn't matter if many people don't believe him. Because it will allow him to continue acting as the White Supremacist community (of which Minus is a part) wants him to.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Robert Mueller Let Down The Nation

Robert Mueller is a man of high integrity is what the country has been hearing ever since he was tasked with looking into the Russian meddling in the 2016 election. Although, not if you listen to trumpers. According to members of the Orange Turd Cult, Robert Mueller is a part of the "deep state" who was fabricating evidence with the help of 13 angry Democrats in order to frame Dotard tRump.

Now, while I do not doubt that, despite being a Republican, Robert Mueller sought to provide the American people with a through honest report detailing Putin's successful attempts to install Dotard as the 45th president. Yet, he failed. He followed his narrow mandate and DOJ policy that says a sitting president can't be indicted. He did his job "by the book" is what I've been hearing. And, even though I was quite disappointed after the Mueller report was released, I reluctantly accepted that this was the best Mueller could do.

But was it? I mean, the fix was in as soon as tRump found his Roy Cohn in Bill Barr. A repugnant individual who now tows the tRump line in regards to the inane conspiracy theory about the tRump campaign being "spied" on. He is setting things in motion in regards to his Orange Turd master's desire to investigate the oranges (aka the origins of the Mueller report).

So WTF could Mueller do except lay out what happened and leave it to Congress to use his report as they see fit (which should obviously be to open an impeachment inquiry)? The report makes it crystal clear that tRump obstructed justice. Although the toady Barr lied about that. In regards to collusion, the Mueller report lays that out too. Although Mueller let tRump and associates off the hook because there was no agreement he could uncover. Putin didn't call Dotard on the phone and say, "let's collude, bro".

Apparently that (or something similar) is what Mueller needed to say a high bar needed to convict on conspiracy had been met. Which may have happened, but the obstruction made finding it impossible. But is that really the case? Not according to former Naval intelligence officer, Malcolm Nance.

Malcolm Nance (23:36): ...Trump's... accepting benefits from Russian activity that he knew was going on. And Mueller had to redefine the word "collusion", right? And the word "conspiracy" to not indict these people. It had to be active, tacitly explicit coordination both ways. Wait a minute, spy world doesn't work that way!

The excerpt above comes from the podcast "The Bob Cesca Show". Bob Cesca "is the Managing Editor of The Daily Banter" and possesses "a Bachelor's degree in Political Science". I downloaded the 5/8/2019 postcast from Stephanie Miller's "Sexy Liberal Network" and listened to it on Saturday, 5/25/2019.

Below is another excerpt, this one from 5/1/2019. Bob Cesca talks to Sarah Kendzior, a journalist who has "expertise on authoritarian states" (she has a Master's degree in Eurasian Studies). As per Wikipedia "her focus of study was former Soviet Union authoritarian states".

Sarah Kendzior (30:27): The Mueller report, at least in my view, is not a very good report. It's not very through. It's missing a lot of information. He didn't interview a lot of key players. ... He didn't do a good job. What they [Barr and Trump] put out was such an incredible lie. This idea that Trump is exonerated. That Trump did not collude with Russia... that's just a flat lie. But, underneath that, it's still a pretty lackluster investigative report.'s not high quality and I kind of wonder, what were they up to?

As soon as Barr misrepresented what was in his report Mueller should have called a press conference says Kendzior. As for the report missing a lot of information, I recall people saying (prior to the report being released) that Mueller definitely had Trump's tax returns. As it turns out, it looks like he didn't. Although that did not stop Dotard from lying about that recently. tRump said "I assume Mueller checked my taxes".

Bullsh!t, liar. If Mueller had looked closely at tRump's taxes he would have uncovered tRump's many financial frauds. Which is why tRump does not want anyone to see any of his financial information. His tax returns or anything to do with his finances. BTW, didn't tRump's chief financial officer Allen Weisselberg make some kind of deal with Mueller for his cooperation. WTF happened with that? What he knows will come into play in one of those spun off investigations, hopefully.

Either way, I have to agree with Kendzior that the Mueller report was a big dud. In regards to what is missing. What is there is pretty damning, though Barr and tRump spun it and much of the general population likely bought their bullpucky.

Though it might be that Rod Rosenstein is responsible. He appointed Mueller and was his boss while Jeff Sessions was AG. Rod Rosenstein, as it turns out, "Rosenstein Halted Trump-Russia Counterintelligence Investigation". "...Rosenstein directed Special Counsel Robert Mueller to limit the scope of his inquiry to possible crimes, not national security threats. Rosenstein made that order without telling the FBI, which had launched the investigation because counterintelligence investigators thought Trump's links to Russia posed a potential national security threat". link.

tRump's ties to Russia were and remain a national security threat. F*ck that Turd Rod Rosenstein. The only reason Nixon resigned was because members of his party had integrity and told him he had to go. Those member of the republican party (like Liz Cheney and Kinzinger) have been labeled RINOs and won't be around much longer. The majority of the republican party is completely corrupt and morally bankrupt. They don't have any integrity, unfortunately for the Nation.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

John Burdick

So you drive a pink rustbucket Chevy Vega, Dervish? It shows what kind of poor judgement you have in cars. And by the way, the Pinky Toot Toot is a pink 2013 Honda Civic that belongs to your buttboy John Burdick (This One). Johnny's nephew Timmy likes to take it out for joyrides around Syracuse NY, cutting explosive farts after yelling "TOOT TOOT" in front of crowds. Timmy usually gets his cousin Benjamin to give him the spare keys to the Pink Civic. Beanie Toot Toot and Timmy Toot Toot cruise the streets of Syracuse NY, ripping farts around town. May 22, 2019 at 12:37 PM.

Monday, March 4, 2019

Rosanne Barr Is A Racist Nut

To think, I used to like Barr. But she has obviously allowed herself to be brainwashed by the leader of the Orange Turd Cult.

Roseanne Barr calls #MeToo accusers hoes, slams Sen. Kamala Harris, Christine Blasey Ford.
Roseanne Barr didn't hold back on the #MeToo movement in a new off-the-rails interview, launching a verbal attack on Sen. Kamala Harris and other women in the process.

The 66-year-old comedian -- who was axed from the hit "Roseanne" reboot in May following a racist tweet -- sat down with conservative commentator Candace Owens, where she mocked sexual assault accusers and the #MeToo movement "witch hunt".

"If you don't run out the room … but you stayed around because you're like, 'I thought maybe he was going to give me a writing job', well, you ain't nothing but a ho", Barr said during an episode Sunday of "The Candace Owens Show", after asking why women were in men's hotel rooms late at night.

Barr and Owens compared the feminist movement to white supremacy, while Barr added that #MeToo accusers are "pretending that they didn't go to trade sexual favors for money".

"I know a ho when I see one", Barr exclaimed. "They need to be called out … That's privilege, too -- ho privilege".

The outspoken comedian then lashed out against Sen. Kamala Harris, nicknaming her "Kama Sutra Harris."

"We all know what she did … she slept her way to the bottom", Barr said, referring to the senator's former relationship with ex-San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown. link

Video: Mar 3, 2019. Roseanne Barr joins Candace Owens for an in-depth conversation on the world premiere of The Candace Owens Show. They discuss the aftermath of the controversy that lead to Roseanne’s primetime sitcom being cancelled, the 2016 election, the MeToo movement and much more!