What's The Deal With This Blog?

What's the deal with this blog you might be wondering. What's going on is that I'm cleaning up the drafts from my other blogs. Seems I wrote quite a few posts and then (for whatever reason) never published them. I forgot about them completely, in fact. Despite the fact that, in regards to many of them, I put a lot of work into writing them.

I decided to get rid of them all. Not by deleting them, but by moving them over here. They are still drafts, but they aren't cluttering up the dashboard of whatever blog they came from anymore. I might take a look at some over time and publish them. And change the publish date and time to the date and time they would have been published. Had I not abandoned them.

Why? Simply because I can't bring myself to just delete them. Even though that is probably what I should do. I didn't publish them when I wrote them, so I should just delete them. Surely nobody is going to read them. They likely wouldn't have been read by anyone but me if I had written and published them on the long past date when they were originally written.

Definitely nobody is going to read them now. If published. But most will likely remain as drafts and never be published. Which is a shame, given that I put the time in to write them. But, nothing can be done about that now. Will anyone read this page? I doubt it. Maybe the a-hole who continues to harrass me. A Turd that calls itself Mystere.

He might, while poking around, find this page. Are you reading this, Mystere? Why don't you leave me alone and stop filing false reports with g00gle regarding your displeasure with what I write? There is something seriousy wrong with you.

by the way, I may or I may not take the time to polish the draft before publishing. Meaning that some of the posts published might not be great. Some of them are so old that I really don't remember (if they are unfinished) how I had planned on finishing them. And they are mostly unfinished. If they had been finished I'd have published them.

Not that it matters, given that nobody will read them anyway. Except maybe Mystere. He might be my biggest fan. Yet he is determined to wipe out as many of my blog as he can. For fake TOS infractions that exist in his delusions. Not in the minds of any g00gle or bl0gger content moderator. Because there clearly are none.

Content moderation is clearly done by algorithms or AI. How should I know. It definitely isn't an acutal person evaluating what I've written. Or even a program scanning my posts looking for key words that could indicate the presence of "hate". If an actual person from g00gle looked at anything I've written? They would be able to determine that Mystere's claims that he saw "hate" on any blog of mine are all bullplop. He just doesn't like what I write.

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