Tuesday, January 19, 2021

China Dotard's Huge Chinese Payday. 26 Million In Chinese Money Right After Dotard "Won" In 2016

As per the NYT, a China-based tRump Organization company received 17.5 million. Additionally Dotard sold some properties (including a penthouse) to Chinese buyers totalling 8.6 million.

This was right after Dotard was sworn in as predisent. Yet, according to Dotard's supporters, it's our next president who (re China) is a "sellout traitor extraordinaire". As the following video (linked to by the Dotard cultist Minus FJ on WYD) "proves".

Wow! Joe Biden has said "China" a lot. Proof positive he's in China's pocket. Dotard, on the other hand, as predisent launched a failed trade war with China that resulted in financial hardship for small American farms (who lost deals to export their goods to China). In response Dotard handed out a lot of taxpayer money (much of which went to Big Ag while small farms went under).

Video: NowThis News. 1.42M subscribers. Trump reportedly owed millions to the Bank of China -- and must pay up by 2022.

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