Above are some AI images of Ana Kasparian and d0n0ld. I'm not sure how much they look like her, but the images are labeled with her name. Who created these and why? By a rightturd who was happy with Ana's drift to the right? Still, I doubt she would be into the fat Orange Turd. Both her and her boss, Cenk Uygur have drifted rightward it seems.
Video: Oct 17, 2024. Sam Seder GETS REAL about Ana Kasparian & Cenk Uygur, SPILLS THE TEA on TYT. In this clip from our new exclusive interview with Sam Seder of "The Majority Report", we discuss the the recent right-wing pivot by Cenk & Ana of The Young Turks. Let us know your thoughts in the comments! #anakasparian #samseder #cenkuygur.
Sam Seder joins Zachary Polston and Gavin Miller-Broomfield of The Vanguard podcast for a 15 minute discussion.
Sam: I think you know, my sense is that at TYT they saw, uh, Hassan make uh, just a ton of money and have a huge amount of success [1]. And I think there was, you know, in certain parts of TYT there was resent. And, you know, I don't know, uh, Ana particularly well -- I'm not sure that we've ever met in person -- um...
Zachary: Well she's a bad big fan of ours so I'm sure she's watching, Sam.
Sam: um but, I get the sense that she's watched our program too. 0:41
[edit here. Above shown as "coming soon", so it's a preview of what's coming later. The acutal start of the podcast is next]...
Zachary: I think that's really a lot more common than people who you know, Sam. You know it seems like you've been -- I mean I know for a fact you've been at this a long time. You actually believe that you could have done other things and you decided to put politics first. I feel like a lot of people they just realize -- oh yeah, hey man, a lot of dumb people will watch right-wing YouTube and they'll praise me and they'll send me super chats and I won't have to stand on my for eight hours a day. I won't have to work in a cubicle I could be praised all day.
And I don't know about you, but Gavin and I have been scratching our heads over here. We're not sure if it's something in the water over in that particular part of California. Uh, if we're going to be revealed that, uh, you know whatever the treatment facility is under some sort of like an Enron scandal of the modern age where the water's just no good at the faucets of The Young Turks network. But we've seen Dave Rubin, who I think fits that description of Tim Pool to a T. 1:27
And then you have Jimmy Dore who also, you knowm he can't resist. He has to go down the right-wing rabbit hole. Right? He has to go and humiliate himself. But now we're seeing a third barrel. Or a third individual start to circle the drain, And I want to know what you think about it. Uh, because Anna kasparan has recently announced her, un, unalignment from the political left. She said she no longer feels that she can be considered one of us in times like this. And she wants to talk about the real grifters. Not Jimmy Dore. Not Dave Rubin. Not the litany of conservatives, uh, that are making money hand over fist offending and rampaging on behalf of the criminal bloodthirsty siege of the people in the Gaza Strip. 2:16
I'll zoom in a little bit more so you can see, Sam. But she says the real grifters are the progressive branded nonprofits that have repeatedly misused public funds. Why won't the left call them out? And she goes on to talk about how she's voting against an increase in taxes for nonprofits to prevent homeless people. Because she still wants to be able to complain about it as her number one issue in my view. Uh, she says uh, I'll be voting no on measure 8. which is a plan to raise another one billion. Through what she calls a regressive sales tax to build homeless shelters. 2:53
Housing and other services. So the big grift is taking away money from the hard-earning people like Ana and giving it to homeless shelters and other NPO organizations that are interested in combating what is a serious crisis in Southern California. But that's not all. If you go back a little further you could see her most recent article where she talks about how gangs are taking over Aurora. Which is a suburb outside of Denver I happen to have spent a lot of time in. And I can report back safely that there are no gangs taking over this poor Suburban Enclave. As even their Republican mayor notes. So I'm just wondering, what is it that makes people do this ideological pivot in their late 30s. 3:36
Sam: Well, um, and just to add to that Aurora thing -- two points I can't help myself -- on the Aurora thing. It turns out those guys in that video weren't even part of a gang. Uh, that video that went viral -- apparently, uh coming out of Aurora. I guess it was like a week or two ago. The police said they are not part of a gang. I'm not familiar with measure A. Although I do think sales taxes -- I do have a problem with sales tax being a a little regressive. I would do a different type of taxation. But I don't think that's her point. 4:07
Um, the -- I think -- I mean, look -- I came from this. Uh, I came from a world where -- you know, I was working with a lot of people who -- um, had at when I left that world -- you know, at least in terms professionally. Um, had, um you know a decent amount of celebrity or fame. And um, there's obviously in show business you run into a lot of people who sort of like really want uh, celebrity. And um, and money, of course. I mean, you know -- look I want to be able to make money.. But I think there is -- I think part of like -- I don't know if it's a function of LA -- um, to be honest with you. Or um, But part of it is like for people -- they get super excited about the celebrity aspect of it. And uh, the money aspect. And it's, you know, you guys know it's hard work. 5:25
[Same segment that played at the beginning follows]...
Sam: I think you know, my sense is that at TYT they saw, uh, Hassan make uh, just a ton of money and have a huge amount of success [1]. And I think there was, you know, in certain parts of TYT there was resent. And, you know, I don't know, uh, Ana particularly well -- I'm not sure that we've ever met in person -- um...
Zachary: Well she's a bad big fan of ours so so I'm sure she's watching, Sam.
Sam: Um but, I get the sense that she's watched our program too. 6:06
[End repeat of segment that played initially as "coming up"]
I mean look -- I think she, uh, for a long time, has uh, wanted to figure out how she could uh bust out of TYT. I know, oddly enough, that like, uh, you know. Well she was doing that show with Michael at the Jacobin [2]. And I have a feeling like there was, maybe a sense that there'd be more opportunity there. Um, if they built out that, um, you know -- I know Michael was planning to do a Daily Show with the Jacobin. Uh, I don't know what part Ana would have played in that, but maybe it was, you know, maybe there was opportunity there. And that was an opportunity for her that obviously, uh didn't exist after Michael passed away. 6:53
Um, and I imagine there's some frustration and I think -- like look, you know, Jimmy did a Comedy Central special, uh, I think ... 25 years ago. And... 7:05
Zachary: Still has the same jokes if you see him live. 7:07
Sam: I would have no doubt about it. But I think, like you know it, he -- this was a way to revive his career. I mean I know Dave Rubin. I spoke to a writer whose kid went to the same school as my kid like five or 10 years ago. And, um, he said to me, like, oh, Dave Rubin -- I wanted to talk to you about this. Dave Rubin would just like harass me to write about him all the time. I think it's just like a real um, uh, desperation for fame, celebrity and money. And um, and I think -- this, you know, I think after they do this for an extended period of time, you know, it's hard. It's tiring sometimes. You feel like, uh you you know, it's, um, you know people have maybe thinner skins uh, than others. And they start to chase where they're getting clicks. 8:11
I mean to me it's a parody. Somebody posted a parody like this, uh, when I was on Chapo years ago we made a joke about like how we would do a right-wing turn [3]. We always joke about being the Trump supporting Stoners. It was this was, like in 20 -- 16 or 17 -- and I was like, yeah, no, I've thought about this. For years in fact we 8:34 used to do -- Michael and I used to do a fake right-wing show on Halloween and on, um, April Fools. And the reason why we did it two times a year was because, like we so desperately wanted a break from doing, you know like it was, like this is gonna be like a day off. Like we don't have to do anything. Like we all the talking points are there. 9:01
And, um, for a long time my the the joke was, like you know, this is how I do it. And even when I got divorced, I'm like, this is it. This is my opportunity. When you get divorced you're mad, you know? Like I'm an angry old divorced guy. And it starts with, like uh, you know, "my wife's, you know, making me, my ex-wife making pay child support", and uh, then like it just like builds into like a broader uh, sort of misogistic pallet. And then I realized like, oh you know -- and that's how you...
Zachary: you might be the only man with the platform that dodged that bullet. I want you to know, I mean people I would have sworn up and down were gonna ride with the Left until the end. Like Matt Taibi going hysterically, you know, right on a number of issues. And then not even correcting course when the shrapnel hit Ken Klippen [4]. I don't know. It was really ridiculous for me to watch that one. And I'm like, if Matt Taibi is going to go down, like how the -- who else? I mean you and Ryan Grim. You're like the only middle-aged dudes with principles, it feels like. 9:58
Sam: I'm older than Ryan. He would not appreciate you putting me in the same age category as him. But um, yeah, I think it's just a different -- I mean, look there's a lot of, like, in politics and in this sort of in particularly in this space -- but in general there's, um, a lot of people who, um, have have like, uh, like socialization issues in some ways. ... I don't -- I'm not the most, uh, well, socialized person. Um. And I think there's, you know, often, uh people are in this space because there's some, you know, trauma often. Uh, that has taken place. But honestly, like I think that's like why you start to advocate for...
Zachary: Talk about politics? Oh, yeah for, and advocate for it. 10:46
Sam: ...you know specific groups of people and um and then sometimes that spins off and goes awry. I mean um, it's weird that you -- I mean, I guess you do see it go the other direction a little bit. ...there's a couple of people who have done...
Zachary: It's like taking a poverty oath though. A lot of people don't want to do it. 11:16
Sam: ...it's definitely not as lucrative. I mean, I think like you know I have a theory about this whole um uh Tenant Media money. Which is that the reason why getting $100,000 per video four times a month did not set set off -- I mean, that's what Rubin got. Rubin made $5 million in a year for doing four videos a month and Tim Pool made somewhere around that too. 11:55
...and I think the reason why it didn't set off any alarm bells is uh, because I think they get subsidized in one fashion or another. Um, maybe not to that amount, but I think they must get you know situations like that somewhat on the regular. Um, because, I mean I can tell you Peacock the Choice uh you know what they called it. Or the MSNBC on Peacock licensed the Majority Report, and it wasn't anywhere remotely close to that [5]. 12:23
And ...I understood why they were coming to me. Because I, if I could just give them my show, it's much cheaper than them having to produce one. And ...there was some measure of confidence that I wasn't going to be, you know, that I could actually deliver a show. Because I've been doing it for ...15-16 years, or whatever it was. And ...that money was not even remotely close to ... I think Rubin made what I made in a year in less than ... two weeks... And I'm, you know, like it's a daily show. Um, and I think the reason why they took that money with basically, we need to see some photocopied sheet of paper that uh, purports the, you know for Rabot Gerard or whatever the guy's name -- Gerard Depardieu or whatever... [6] 13:43
Zachary: Sounds like a extra in Twin Peaks.
Sam: Yeah exactly, like just sort of some French Canadian actor. Um uh, I think the reason why they took the money was because they were -- it wasn't you know, it was more than probably they had gotten in the past -- but like the idea of like somebody coming in going like we're going to give you $100,000 you know for the next, uh six weeks to tweet out sh!t like this. I think that happens all the time. 14:10
There was that report that um Semafor did where um, what's his face, George Santos was on a call and it was a it was a Zoom call where people were getting like $20,000 to Tweet out and create content around Kamala Harris being a slut. Uh, check that report out [7+8]. And I'm convinced like, oh this sh!t happens all f*cking time for them. Because I've been doing this for 20 years and I have never ever... 14:54
[Music]. END.
Notes & Copilot Provided Info
[1] Hasan Piker, also known as HasanAbi, is a well-known political commentator and streamer. He used to work with The Young Turks and has gained a lot of success on platforms like Twitch and YouTube, where he discusses politics, news, and social issues. He's definitely made a significant impact in the realm of political commentary.
[2] Ana Kasparian co-hosted a show called "Weekends with Ana Kasparian and Michael Brooks" on the Jacobin YouTube channel. The show featured free-flowing and entertaining conversations between Ana, Michael, and their guests. It aired every Saturday starting at 1 PM. Michael Jamal Brooks (8/13/1983 to 7/20/2020) was an American talk show host, writer, left-wing political commentator, and comedian. While co-hosting The Majority Report with Sam Seder, he launched The Michael Brooks Show in August 2017 and provided commentary for media outlets, making regular appearances on shows such as The Young Turks. On July 20, 2020, Brooks died at the age of 36. Brooks's sister, Lisha, reported the cause of death was a blood clot.
[3] "Chapo" refers to Chapo Trap House, a popular leftist podcast known for its political commentary and humor. The hosts, including Will Menaker, Matt Christman, Felix Biederman, and Amber A'Lee Frost, discuss a wide range of topics with a blend of comedy and radical left-wing perspectives.
[4] Ken Klippenstein was visited by the FBI at his home in October 2024, after he published a dossier about Donald Trump's running mate, JD Vance. The FBI informed him that he was a target of a foreign influence operation, which could be seen as metaphorical "shrapnel" hitting him in his professional life.
[5] Reddit: Sam just announced that both the Majority Report replay and the Reported show are leaving the Peacock app and website at the end of the month. I guess Jimmy Door and Glenn are going to have to find a new talking point about how they are shills for MSNBC. r/TheMajorityReport. Welcome to the unofficial Majority Report fan subreddit! Rest in power Michael Brooks (1983 to 2020). 3 years ago. JRTD753.
[6] The contact from Tenet Media who Dave Rubin signed his contract with was reported in the indictment. The US Department of Justice revealed that two Russian nationals, Kostiantyn Kalashnikov and Elena Afanasyeva, funneled nearly $10 million to Tenet Media to produce content favorable to the Kremlin. According to the indictment, the influencers, including Dave Rubin, Tim Pool, and Benny Johnson, were reportedly given false information about the source of the funding. The contracts and communications they received likely did not explicitly mention the Russian names Kostiantyn Kalashnikov and Elena Afanasyeva, which could explain why they didn't raise immediate red flags.
[7] Semafor is a global news platform designed to provide transparent and intelligent journalism. Founded by Ben Smith and Justin B. Smith, Semafor aims to deliver clear and concise news, cutting through the noise of the news cycle with smart, distilled views and exploring competing perspectives.
[8] George Santos was reportedly involved in a scheme where influencers were paid to spread sexual smears about Kamala Harris. According to reports, a mysterious group paid influencers tens of thousands of dollars to promote negative rhetoric about Harris. One participant in the scheme claimed to have received over $20,000 for their work. Santos was identified as one of the participants in the calls organized by this group, although he reportedly objected to the messaging and left the call.
Select YouTube Comments
@TheMsShantal: I unsubscribed from anything TYT/Cenk & Ana related because I noticed their right hand pivot several months ago. I'm incredibly disappointed in them both.
@emcd3589: I love watching John Iadarola on the Damage Report, but I can't stand the TYT main show.
I selected the two comments above because I agree with them.
Video: Sep 18, 2024. Megyn Kelly is joined by Dave Rubin, host of The Rubin Report, to make his first public comments about the Tenet Media indictment and his involvement in the company, the allegations of a Russian propaganda campaign, what Rubin knew about Lauren Chen and the financial backers of the company.
Video: Oct 7, 2024 Keeping It Real Podcast with Jillian Michaels. Ana Kasparian BLASTS "Wokeism". Is she Is she ditching the left?!
More description: Join Jillian as she explores the surprising reasons behind Ana Kasparian's move away from the left. Ana Kasparian, co-founder of The Young Turks, one of the most popular left-leaning news organizations, recently departed from the left, sending shockwaves through the political landscape and raising questions about her decision.
In this episode, Ana shares her growing disillusionment with the increasing radicalism and intolerance within extreme left factions. She also addresses deep concerns about identity politics, corporate funding of political parties, the decline of California, and the embracing of endorsements from figures like Dick Cheney.
Ana's commitment to intellectual honesty and her desire for constructive dialogue ultimately pushed her away from the community she once embraced. Exposure to alternative perspectives through media appearances with the likes of Ben Shapiro, Dave Rubin, Tomi Lahren and more broadened her understanding of the political spectrum, making it difficult for her to align with any ideology.
Later in the episode, Ana reveals her "final straw" -- the public backlash and attacks she faced from her own party for expressing nuanced views on a highly polarizing issue.
Ana's departure has significant implications for the future of progressive politics. Without her voice, the left risks becoming more radicalized and isolated. However, Ana's decision could also open the door for a more moderate, inclusive, and intellectually honest political approach that values debate and free thought over dogma.
What do you think of Ana Kasparian's decision to leave the left? Share your thoughts in the comments below, and don't miss our latest video on political shifts and ideological evolution!
Video: Ana Kasparian -- Rightwing Grifter or Horrible F**king Person!
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